We break rocks for
Geologic Carbon Storage
Electrical Reservoir Stimulation for the Energy Transition
Electrical Reservoir Stimulation for the Energy Transition
Reducing the cost of CO2 storage
Permanent CO2 storage in low permeability rocks
Increasing the lifetime of CO2 storage sites
Reducing the cost of CO2 storage
Enabling permanent CO2 storage in low permeability rocks
Increasing the lifetime of CO2 storage sites
Unlocking the Potential for Carbon Storage & Mineralization
Carbon Reactive Rocks for Permanent Storage
Carbon mineralization is a process where CO2 reacts with ultramafic rocks and is converted to carbonate minerals. This process allows permanent geologic carbon storage to offset emissions.

Large scale geologic CO2 storage projects are essential to support the United State’s goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030. US Department of Energy defines larges scale CO2 storage capacity as 50 million metric tons of CO2 stored within 30 years or faster.
The Problem
Limited Scalability of Carbon Mineralization
The development of carbon mineralization sites in ultramafic rock formations has been limited due to the low natural permeability of these formations.

The industry needs efficient, cost-effective technologies for permeability enhancement to maximize carbon storage potential. Technologies for increasing permeability can significantly reduce the cost to permanently store carbon in geologic reservoirs.
The Solution

Eden’s Technology Increases Carbon Storage Potential

Increasing permeability enables higher rates of CO2-rock reactions which maximizes geologic carbon storage capacity.

Electrical Reservoir Stimulation can create initial permeability in low-permeability ultramafic rocks. Repeat stimulation can be used to maintain permeability during the mineralization process.

Environmental Impact

Carbon mineralization and storage can eliminate 125 Gt of CO2 from the atmosphere by 2100

Creating higher permeability formations reduces the energy required for pumping CO2 by over 90%

With permeability enhancement, near-surface peridotite and basalt formations can store over 100,000 Gt of CO2 at affordable costs

The opportunity
Map of carbon sequestration opportunity
Source: Kelemen, P., et. al. An Overview of the Status and Challenges of CO2 storage in Mineral sand Geological Formations. Frontiers in Climate. 2019.
Utilizing Electrical Reservoir Stimulation to Facilitate Carbon Mineralization  
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